Yes, they were all from scratch. And yes, they were all with Splenda.
Pie #1: Traditional apple, with cinnamon, all Splenda
Pie #2: Blueberry with some red raspberries and lemon, half Splenda, half sugar
Pie #3: Red raspberry with a few bits of apple and cinnamon, all Splenda
Pie #3 was definitely my favorite. It was more free-form--more than a crostada, but less than a properly primped and crimped pie. We cut into it just after breakfast. Sweet, tart, like warm candy.
The other two pies were loaded into the Beetle and driven to Connecticut for Thanksgiving dinner at J's cousin's house. I fretted the whole way there that I'd be tempted to eat the obligatory pumpkin pie instead, but to my shock, there was no pumpkin. I was the only one who brought pie.
Not that anyone really ate it. Italians are set in their ways about dessert, and evidently, if it doesn't involve cannoli cream or mascarpone, it is not to be trusted. In fact, at the end of the evening, they told me to take my lonely little pies home.
And so I did. And we are just fine with that.
Hi Pamela,
My first visit from Sahara's blog site (which is great - you are very funny) -Your pies sound "Splendid" !! Actually, I escaped pie making prison (aka my kitchen) this year by driving to NYC for the parade where I proceeded to promptly obtain a terrible cold. When I read that you had an encore visit from your bug I thought AHA! its NY!!!
No, only kidding, I am blaming my 23 first graders - I am instituting a 'no hugging' rule now through 12/7 so I can hopefully be healthy for my trip to MO.
This is my first year teaching, a drastic career switch from advertising for umpteen years. What can I say, I guess I got disillusioned. My last years were spent worrying about the 'profitability' of non-profit accounts like Special Olympics and American Cancer Society. 0% creativity and fulfillment and 100% frustration and pressure. Somehow seeing the light bulb go on in the eyes of a six year who just figured out why it rains means more to me than a ravishing ROI.
Yea, the pay 'sucks' but the emotional compensation is tres generous! Summers off isn't so bad either!!
Pamela, I hope you are feeling better. Thanks for creating and maintaining (which is a commitment in itself) an awesome vehicle for me and many others to offer support to Sahara. It wouldn't have happened otherwise.
Take Care,
Nancy R Carroll Boston, MA
Evening, ladies. Ashley, I've sent you an email.
Nancy, I think NYC schools put rhinovirus in the air and water. I'm married to a teacher (who is, alas, on sabbatical this year) and recently, I turned down my second offer of a teaching fellowship. Somehow my brain just sensed that there was not enough kleenex in the world.
Your career change has me shaking my head. I was in advertising and nonprofit for 10 years before deciding to teach. And then my current gig landed in my lap...all very exciting and no one throws up on my shoes.
I am indeed feeling better, and you will too, long before we land in Missouri to be personally charmed by Sahara and her harem.
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