Friday, April 07, 2006

In small packages

In December I pitched and sold an article to For Me magazine, Woman's Day's younger, hipper little sister. I've been trying to crack the women's market for over a year and finally, I nailed it. Of course, as soon as she accepted my piece, my brilliant editor quit to be a factchecker at Teen Vogue. But such is life.

Anyway, it was slated to run in the May issue and for the last two weeks, I've been hitting grocery mag racks and Borders like a stalker. On Tuesday I went to the new Barnes & Noble to scavenge their giant racks. Much to my delight, a manager saw me hunting and offered to help. We bent and stretched and did all sorts of Pilates, but alas, no For Me for me. Bah.

But I am easily consoled, and so marched off to the cafe for a venti iced decaf whole milk sugar-free hazelnut latte. And for the first time in my entire $4+ ridiculous beverage life, the clerk repeated it back perfectly, marked it on the cup, and invited me to sit down and relax while he whipped it up. Well!

Ass parked in a chair, I glanced at the cafe's rack of recommended mags and books, and there it was: the May For Me, with Sarah Jessica Parker on the cover. I held my breath, pulled it open, and there it was, in all its glory.

Have you ever seen a fat lady dance in a cafe?

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